KSTP Programs
Under 5s
KSTP under 5s programs are designed to prepare children for life, the programs are professionally developed so that each activity and equipment station serves a purpose. For 18months to 3years we recognise the parent or care giver is the primary educator for children, so we give plenty of instruction and assistance to provide a great learning environment for your child.
Once they are three our independent format means that we move towards working on key learning areas that need repetition for this age. Taking turns, sitting and listening, following instructions is just the start, while we begin to focus on gymnastics specific skills. We cover all fundamental movement patterns through running, jumping. Rolling, balancing climbing and swinging activities sand stations.
By the age of four we aim to have prepared these young children for our introductory Early 1 Pre Squad. This program not only teaches the basic shapes and preparation drills for future involvement in this sport, it shows that practice and hard work brings with it confidence and the desire to want to achieve more and in turn builds a genuine love for the sport. This unique pathway provides the ideal development for your child to apply a growth mindset to all activities and exercises through their younger years. We believe such a mindset builds successful children who become successful adults.
- KinderGym - Parent assisted
- Tumble Tots - Independent program
- Tiny Tumblers - Independent program
- Early 1 Pre Squad
Ages from 18 months. 1 day a week (1 hours per week).
KinderGym has been founded on child development principles and promotes active involvement of the child’s caregiver. Whilst not only encouraging physical growth through endless movement activities, KinderGym promotes cognitive functioning as they create, construct and solve problems with their bodies through a variety of gymnastics related circuits. Our KinderGym program is considered the nursery of development and with engaging themes and exciting movement patterns, it’s an enjoyable time for both parent/carer and child.
Ages 3 1/2 – 5 years. 1 day a week (1 hours per week).
At KSTP we recognize that as children progress they like to become more independent in their learning and how they go about tasks. KSTP’s Tumble Tots class follows the same principals as KinderGym with the difference being that the parent/carer is not involved in the class. Children are required to be toilet trained to commence this program. The program is a great introduction into the specific skills of trampoline and tumbling, and the ideal transition for children who choose to move into our Tiny Tumbler or Early 1 Pre Squad program.
Ages 4 – 5 years. 1 day a week (1.5 hours per week).
Tiny Tumblers follows on from the Tumble Tots program and is a pathway to our Early 1 Pre Squad. A natural progression that will continue working on the basic fundamental movements that carry children through all types of sports. For children who love our sport, we recommend when the time is right to move into our Early 1 Pre Squad.
Suggested ages 4 – 5 years. 2 day a week (3 hours per week).
Early 1 Pre Squad is ideal for children who have taken to our sport and want to continue to progress, providing the chance to train 2 days a week. Children that are selected for this squad have generally participated in our Tiny Tumbler program and are familiar with the basic structure of a class. They also show a good understanding of basics and prove they are ready to further progress within the sport. This program can be the ideal start to future squads at KSTP.
Recreation Programs

LaunchPad Time To Move
KSTP are pleased to be part of LaunchPad an initiative of Gymnastics Australia. LaunchPad’s programs have been expertly designed to cater for all stages of physical, social and cognitive development. KSTP follow the programs for our GymFun and GymSkills classes.
Junior Recreation | Ages 5-7 years old
GymFun is just that- FUN! If kids are enjoying what they’re doing, they’re more likely to want to do it again. In GymFun, we focus on fundamental movement patterns that help kids progress into more advanced skills or sports. The games and activities in GymFun are safe and encourage kids to work with others and build self-esteem.
Intermediate Recreation | Ages 8-11 years old
As children develop more control of their bodies through fundamental movement, we can start to introduce activities more specific to certain sports, without being too serious or repetitive. Kids involved in GymSkills will improve their fitness while still having fun, and the skills learnt can be applied to a wide range of sports and physical activities.
Advanced Recreation | Ages 8-12 years old
GymSkills Advanced will take what has already been learned in GymSkills and work in a more focussed program to improve technique and execution. This can become an important step in the pathway towards our Open Intermediate Levels program as it will adopt a competition class format. For those that don’t wish to compete this class will allow them a chance to progress further in a program that will encourage all participants to improve.
Pre Teens Recreation, Open T & T | Ages 10-15 years old
Our Pre Teens and Open Tumbling & Trampoline classes is a non competitive program designed for kids who love to jump, flip, twist and want to learn tricks and new skills. Participants will bring with them their tumbling based skills with the aim of improving on their technique and execution. These coach led programs will benefit from using our various tumbling floors and trampolines.
Junior Development
As it suggests this pathway is for the younger age groups to instill strong foundations and qualities that will see them progress to the elite High Performance pathway.
Like most sports the earlier we get started the more likely it is to reach quality performance and, in a sport, where representative level begins at age 9, where 5 and 8 skill routines are the target, there’s a lot of work to do in the early stages.
Shapes, strength, flexibility, basics, self-motivation and building a genuine love to the sport and the training that comes with it are all areas of focus within the junior development pathway. Athletes along with their families should understand the program target and goals and with that in mind adhere to all expectations and requirements. If they can’t it is expected they choose an alternate pathway within our structure, one that is more comfortable for all involved.
Stage 1 National Age Squad is a first-year squad for children turning 5 or 6 years who have previously been in our Early 1 Pre Squad twice a week or show great potential during the assessment phase. These children are usually first year at school.
These children are already used to our format, we aim to take what they have already learned and build further confidence and excitement toward future skills.
Stage 2 National Age Squad is a second-year squad for children aged 6 or 7 years.
We aim to instill quality in these gymnast’s technique and execution to provide a strong foundation for the future.
The purpose of this program is to prepare the children for a competitive pathway in Tumbling & Trampoline who will one day wish to represent their club and State at competitions.
Junior National Age Squad is for children turning 9 or 10 years of age. This squad will work towards National Age Stream requirements in all 3 disciplines.
Age group requirements become the new targets in hopes of reaching level 5 by the age of 11/12. This program requires dedication, hard work and discipline. The aim of this program is to prepare athletes for competition in the age/elite stream and can be where the dream of representing their country is conceived.
Open Age Squad is for athletes who have moved through the levels system and are working towards the age group/skill requirements in order to attend National Level Competitions
Usually by this stage, as their chosen sport the athletes along with their families are committed to the program, training times and additional expectations such as nominated competitions which will usually require travel.
Competitive Programs
Our Levels Stream classes provide programs that are designed to fully equip children with all the necessary tools to become competent competitors in the levels system. These classes combine development in tumbling, trampoline, single mini and double mini trampoline.
Whilst we nurture and encourage progression through levels and the skills required, there is no pressure or timeframe set to when athlete should be achieving/passing a certain level. Therefore, athletes are learning at a pace that works for them allowing achievement to happen when they are most comfortable. In Levels competitions it is common to see athletes of varying ages competing in the same level as we not following the guidelines set for age groups as per the national stream.
Stage 1 State Squad, is a first-year squad for children from our recreational classes aged 6 or 7 years old, who show readiness for the next stage of learning.
This program focuses on tumbling, trampoline and dmt. Competition squads use the base of what has already been cultured and begin to turn focus towards execution and technique. Basic skills across all disciplines will be established in order to learn the skills required to begin competing in the State Stream Levels System.
Stage 2 State Squad, is a squad for athletes already accomplished in basic skills and processes, generally aged 7 or 8 years old. These selected children show a readiness to take their learning further to continue along the State Stream Levels System. A greater focus will be placed on strength, and flexibility which will deliver quality in the execution of their skills.
Open Intermediate Levels, is based on ability for athletes of any age who wish to begin competing and become part of a team. We take the skills already practiced and begin putting them together into routines.
Greater emphasis is put on technique and execution of basic skills across all disciplines, in order to learn the routines and combinations required for the State Stream Levels System.
Open Advanced Levels, is a competitive squad for children who have been working well and progressing nicely through the lower levels system. Selected athletes show the right strength, form and skills to carry them forward to Levels 4 and above.
Competition squads use the base what has already been cultured and turn focus towards execution, technique and the development of higher level skills. We hope to equip these athletes with the skills and practices necessary to be successful State Stream competitors.
Elite Tumbling – National Age
Athletes in the Elite Tumbling Squad are a select group that are competing within the National Age Stream and who are working toward the High Performance Team. This program requires a great deal of dedication and commitment from athletes and their families. Their schedule can involve up to 30 hours a week incorporating both morning and afternoon sessions in which they develop their strength, skills and dedication for tumbling.
Specialty Programs
Ages 12 – 15 years. 1 day a week (2 hours per week).
Our Open Tumbling & Trampoline class is a non competitive program designed for dancers, cheerleaders and trickers. Participants will bring with them their tumbling based skills with the aim of improving on their technique and execution. This coach led class will benefit from using our various tumbling floors and trampolines.
Ages 17+. 1 day a week (1.5 hours per week).
Why should the kids have all the fun! This program is specifically for ‘adults only’ to come to KSTP and use the space and equipment for individual goals and enjoyment. We are offering the use of all equipment exclusively in a relaxed environment. Equipment of course includes the Olympic size trampolines, the airpit, double mini tramps, airfloors, tumbling tracks as well as exercise bike, walking machine and weights.
For Dancers, Cheerleaders and Gymnasts
Private lessons are popular with dancers and cheerleaders who are working on perfecting a particular skill or wanting to gain confidence. Our coaches are not only High Performance Tumblers themselves, they also have their accreditation with Gymnastics Australia. Privates can be booked as a one off or a more permanent basis, however due to space restrictions time slots are often limited.
We can tailor a session to meet your needs.
Group bookings are not only for birthday parties. Saturday afternoons are available for groups whether its a dance or cheer school, a group of friends or an extended family session. The booking will include an accredited coach and can be used for workshop purposes or ‘just for fun’. Use the ‘contact us’ tab to discuss further.